The Parenting Program changing lives for parents of tween and teen daughters.


What to do when everyone around you is stressing out


What to do when everyone around you is stressing out


Stress is contagious. I think that’s probably a fact. If everyone around you is stressed, you begin to realise the things in your life that maybe you should be worrying about. If everyone is talking about a difficult test, you’re going to stress about it too. An assignment? Those can be rough. Stress is contagious, so if you can stop it at its root that’s the way to go.

So, how do you stop the stress bug from spreading? Remember, or remind a friend,  what they have done, what they have achieved and what their true goals and values are. If a friend is upset over a looming maths test, remind them they are doing well. Life is tough, these new concepts are hard but remind them of the of the positives. Remind them they are funny, or passionate abut animals or a history whizz. Remind them of their strengths and turn that thinking into a cup-half-full mentality.

Once the initial build up of stress has decreased slightly help them identify the root of the cause. Are they stressed by the sheer amount they have to complete? Do they not understand a concept completely, or do they just need little more sleep? If a root can be identified a path of action can be identified.

As for yourself. Trust you. Trust your plan and your work ethic. We stress if we don’t think we can do it, if we can’t make it work. If those around you are stressing, realise you don’t have to. Trust your plan and your capabilities and move past the stress. Stress stops you from achieving things, it uses up your time and it ruins your productivity. Those around you stressing do not need to, and should not, impact you. Remove yourself from the situation and keep your head clear. Breathe slowly just before the exam, take a minute to refocus and remain calm. You do not need to catch the stress bug.

From there the stress is quenched! Your friend knows they are valued and they know their next steps. You have successfully cured the stress bug and stopped it from spreading to yourself and others. Congrats, now go slay the world!

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